Monday, August 13, 2007

Leadership Summit

Lessons in Leadership
Janet Harward, Connie Schneider, Val Childs and I had a fantastic opportunity to attend a leadership conference in Roseville, California. It was presented by Willow Creek Church and was a excellent time of learning and worship. As we considered many aspects of leadership we realized there was much we wanted to learn individually, and as a church family. We were also made to realize the great blessing we have in being a part of Hydesville Community Church, and that we are led by an outstanding Senior Pastor - Michael Delamarian III. Here are some words of appreciation to him:

Pastor Mike - You have created a culture where we are encouraged to learn and grow and to fulfill our potential in Christ. You have gone without for yourself to give to others. You have taught us the meaning of the word, “grace” and we have watched it lived out in you. You encourage your church to break out of the mold, embrace learning, and be creative and innovative in fashioning roads for people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. You have been a tremendous example. How does one go about thanking someone for those kind of things?... those deep things of the soul and spirit? I’m not really sure, but hoping some how that you know how much your congregation and the people you are teaching to lead deeply appreciate you. You are truly a great leader.


pinkieclc said...

I am looking for my sister Rhonda Downey. My name is Cindy Coleman I can be reached at
please let me know if you can help me find her. I havent seen her since 1996. Thank you.

Merlie said...

What? You girls were in the Roseville area and you didn't give me and Charley a buzz? I had a surprised birthday party for Charley on August 10th, you girls would had made it merrier for him. Anyway, if you're around the area, give us a call and we'll meet with you. We're near the big churches in Roseville area.