Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Woman's Secret to a Balanced Life

Wednesday evenings starting January 23rd at 7:00 PM in Fortuna. A Woman’s Secret to a Balanced Life is a study that teaches how “keeping a home is a high and God-honoring calling for business women as well as those who stay home.” If you would like some balance in your life, as a wife and mother, this study is for you. This study will start on January 23rd and will be led by Danette Demello at her home in Fortuna.

A Heart of Wisdom

Wednesday evenings starting January 30th at 6:30 PMA Heart of Wisdom presents lessons from the books of wisdom in Old Testament Literature. We will delve into the life lessons from Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon that are relevant to our everyday lives. This study will take place on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM. We will be meeting at the Murrish Market across the street from the Hydesville church facility. This study runs that same time as the AWANA program, so you may bring your child(ren) to AWANA and Breakout (ages three through the sixth grade)and enjoy a Bible study at the same time.

The Five Love Languages

Wednesday mornings starting January 16th beginning at 10 AM.The Five Love Languages is a study on relationships. We learn that what speaks volumes to us may be meaning- less to our spouses or other sig-nificant relationships in our lives. Here are some keys to learning the “unique language” of others. For marriages, learn how to express heartfelt commitment to your mate. For friends and relatives, learn how to express your love in ways that are truly heard. This study is taught by Trudy Wilson and will start on January 16th at the Hydesville Community Church campus.

Beth Moore's "Daniel"

Beth Moore’s “Daniel” Monday evenings starting January 28th at 6:30 PM Daniel is a dynamic study that challenges us to boldly live in a modern-day Babylon without falling prey to its allure. This is an opportunity to really dig into some in depth Bible study. Beautifully presented, this DVD based study will meet on Monday evenings in the sanctuary and will be led by Janet Harward. If you missed “Daniel” the first time around, this is a golden opportunity.

The Bible A to Z Bible Study

The Bible A to Z Thursday mornings starting January 17th 9:00 – 10:30 AM. This study is a great overview of the Bible. You will learn the order and purposes of the books of the Bible and how it was all put together. Above all, you will come away with a greater appreciation and increased sense of wonder of how God speaks to us through His amazing Word. Starting January 17th, this study was written and will be taught by Val Childs. This Bible study is presented at the Hydesville Church campus