Monday, August 27, 2007

Journaling - Your Life Story

I'm excited about the journaling project Pastor Mike asked us to embark on for the school calendar year. Journaling helps our spiritual progress in many ways.

Last May I was going through some difficult things. Before when I had journaled, I tended to stop during the times of real stress or disappointments in life. It seemed to make it too real to write it all down. But this time I really felt the Spirit of God directing me to write through the things that hurt my heart. A few months later I can now look back and see how God really used journaling as a way of healing hurts, seeing new Biblical insights and understanding God's heart better. There is something about writing that crystalizes thoughts for me. Now I understand why journaling is included as a "Spiritual Discipline." Like all disciplines, they take some effort, but the rewards are so totally worth the energy and time.

Our whole church is starting a journaling project. It is called "Endurance." I urge you and challenge you to join us. Journals are available at the church office. To help defray printing cost, people are donating $5. But if that is a problem at this time in your life, we would be happy to give you a journal. Happy writing.

Brandon is Here!

Welcome to the world little Brandon Randall Starcher, son of Aaron & Michelle! Brandon is 8 lbs. 11 oz.; 21" long. We hear he has black hair and blue eyes. Brandon was born on August 9th. God bless this new addition to your family Aaron and Michelle!
P.S. Brandon and his mom and dad and family were in church Sunday. What a fine looking boy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Porch Light

I'll leave the Light on for You.
Are you the parent of a wayward teen or young adult? Do you feel alone in your struggles? Would you benefit from the support and prayer of other parents? Then we welcome you to Porch Light. It is good to know you are not alone. Porch Light meets the last Sunday evening of the month starting September 23rd at Hydesville Community Church. Porch Light starts at 6:30 PM in the Living Room of the Hut. For more information contact Penny Fregeau, Director of Women's Ministry & Counseling at Hydesville Community Church (707) 768-3767.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Leadership Summit

Lessons in Leadership
Janet Harward, Connie Schneider, Val Childs and I had a fantastic opportunity to attend a leadership conference in Roseville, California. It was presented by Willow Creek Church and was a excellent time of learning and worship. As we considered many aspects of leadership we realized there was much we wanted to learn individually, and as a church family. We were also made to realize the great blessing we have in being a part of Hydesville Community Church, and that we are led by an outstanding Senior Pastor - Michael Delamarian III. Here are some words of appreciation to him:

Pastor Mike - You have created a culture where we are encouraged to learn and grow and to fulfill our potential in Christ. You have gone without for yourself to give to others. You have taught us the meaning of the word, “grace” and we have watched it lived out in you. You encourage your church to break out of the mold, embrace learning, and be creative and innovative in fashioning roads for people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. You have been a tremendous example. How does one go about thanking someone for those kind of things?... those deep things of the soul and spirit? I’m not really sure, but hoping some how that you know how much your congregation and the people you are teaching to lead deeply appreciate you. You are truly a great leader.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Hydesville Institute of the Bible

Are You Thirsty?

Do you thirst for a deeper understanding of God’s Word? Do you desire to strengthen your training for ministry?

The Hydesville Institute of the Bible is designed to provide Bible instruction, practical ministry training and spiritual mentoring for the purpose of reaching the Eel River Valley and beyond with the Love and Message of Jesus Christ.

Upper level 300 courses begin September 10th with *A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place (a Beth Moore DVD study) led by Director of Women’s Ministry & Counseling Penny Fregeau and the Master Plan of Evangelism taught by Pastor Jeff Beltz. There may be another class offering as well at this level.

100 and 200 level courses begin September 16th on Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM. These classes will include: Discovering Church Membership (September 16th & 23rd), Discovering Spiritual Maturity (December 2nd & 9th), Network Spiritual Gifts Class (October 14th, 21st & 28th), a two-part Evangelism Class (February 24th & March 2nd) and a two-part Lay Counseling Seminar (November 4th & 11th).

Hydesville Institute of the Bible: Who Are We?
Hydesville Institute of the Bible was established in response to the growing need to disciple and train ministry workers in the North Coast region of California. Hydesville Community Church, was founded in 1898 and has had an affiliation with the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) since 1963. The Senior Pastor of Hydesville Community Church, Michael Delamarian III, has served the church since 1983. At that time the congregation numbered about 50. Today, over 500 people attend, participate and serve in Hydesville Community Church. An active and growing band of believers, Hydesville Community Church is united in the desire to reach the Eel River Valley and disciple believers to change their world for the cause of Christ.

*Beth Moore study also presented Wednesday mornings at 10 AM beginning September 12th .